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"Enough with your lies": unfulfilled love between two men in the 1980s Israel today


Idan-Chaim David, who wrote the music for the stage adaptation of Philippe Besson's autobiography, suggests in an interview with "Israel Hayom" to look musically at the theater like a movie.

Philippe Besson's autobiographical book comes to the Tamune theater stage between November 9 and 22 and between December 9 and 10.

"Enough with your lies" is a stage adaptation of the poetic drama written by Basson about life after abandonment - everything from the point of view of three different men, who are connected by betrayal, loss, and maybe even love.

Nir Frankel and Tali Hecht are responsible for the play and direction, Tomer Nahir Patlok, Shaf Berger and Liran Mizrahi play in the play, and for the music, which plays a significant role in this theatrical event, Idan-Chaim David, pianist and singer, part of the duo "Climate" and music producer, who teaches in Ramon, is responsible .

David combines in the show original music with special arrangements of familiar songs from the 80s, the period in which the show takes place.

"It's an unfulfilled love story between two men that begins in high school somewhere in the 80s and actually progresses throughout the life of the main protagonist of the play," says Idan.

"Reading the actors was my inspiration."

"Enough with your lies", photo: PR

"Without spoilers, this love doesn't happen and years later, Philippe Besson writes himself, as a writer, who finally meets, after 20 years, the son of his former lover - and finds out what happened to the father, his unfulfilled love. The end is tragic, Again, no spoilers (laughs), and for me this was an important point as a musician. When I heard the first casting call, I was very excited by it and it was my inspiration," he shares in the creative process.

I came home late, sat down and wrote a song, even before the play's soundtrack - all this just following the actors' reading which I witnessed," he says.

writes himself.

"Enough with your lies", photo: PR

"The story moved me and especially the last scene, in which there is the letter left by Philip's beloved, a letter that recounts everything that happened to him from his point of view, and then you actually understand what happened to him over the years and where he disappeared to. I wrote a song like a letter, as a piano pop ballad, I sent it to the directors and thought it would be nice to insert it at the end of the show - when the audience goes out, to be in the background during the exit, like in the movie," he says about the idea.

"But when Tali heard it, she said it had to be part of the show, and the song was finally inserted in a scene without words, which is a sex scene between the two from high school."

There is a lot of talk about acting, directing and writing in the theater, but not many understand the importance of music.

"I agree with you. Music has a central role in the theater and specifically in this show. In the end it was given a central place in the show, which is actually not a musical, but a "normal" show. But in the soundtrack, one of the things that stood out to me is that it has a lot of power in very specific and precise moments Precisely when there is no music for a brief moment. These silences are critical, and in these places music has a lot of power."

Creating emotion through logic.

Idan-Chaim David, photo: Shelly Avidor

If David talks about the role of music academically, it is not entirely by chance.

As mentioned, he is also a teacher at the Rimon school.

"I'm a musician who works simultaneously with emotion, but with a lot of reason and logic. It's part of my occupation as a teacher, to analyze things," he explains.

"So I think that when I write music for a show, I do see how to create a kind of energy and emotion through logical means. There is, for example, a scene that should feel so distant, when one of the main characters appears on stage, dressed in a leather jacket and with a biker's helmet, like a Greek god who has suddenly fallen For the stage, then I wrote something like a distant and artistic operatic number, not everyday, which is in the background, which only supports this distance."

You said it's not a musical show, but a "normal" show.

We live in an age where there is a flood of musicals in theaters.

What do you think about it?

"Although most of the musicals I've seen in my life have been amazing, I'm personally not really into that genre and I don't feel connected stylistically. When I write music for the theater, it's like a soundtrack for a movie. I treat it as a cinematic language. I have no objection to the overflow of the musicals, which in the end bring an audience And help people connect to culture and theater."

The duo "Climate" of Idan-Haim David will perform on January 26, 2023 at Beit Heutzer in Tel Aviv.

The duo "Climate" by Idan-Haim David with the creator and singer Esnat Harel, photo: Shelly Avidor

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Source: israelhayom

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